Sunday, December 4, 2011

Unfamily Portrait

As defined by the Family Code of the Philippines, marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. The strength of a family depends upon the strength of marital life. When the foundation of the family is weak the slightest wind of temptation would cause its bedrock to fall apart. But, when the bonds are strong, a storm, however mighty, would never summon the relationship into the horizon of uncertainty.

A story of marital relationship may begin with happiness, love, sincerity and passion at the early stage of their life. Nevertheless, as they venture longer into the unknown world, they succumb to realize the necessary mistake they have committed and yet find themselves into an uncompromising situation that their indifference, by character and by lust, would end by death alone. One, who suffers the non-contentment of the other spouse, may seek refuge on another’s heart. Thus, once a blissful moment in their distant past has now become a misery both of which are ought to face. No one is bound to escape the evil they sow, since by law their marriage would never be severed.

It is the highest form of ignorance to conceive the possibility of fixing the broken pieces of a couple’s marital affair. No other remedy is rightful, but the gift of the lost liberty. While the State recognizes the family as the basic unit of the society and acknowledges marriage as a social inviolable institution, it is, by force of reason, indispensable to reconsider the adoption of divorce. It is undeserving to call an entity a family where hate, violence, abuse and jealousy reign supreme. Thus, to cherish and protect the family includes the ultimate sacrifice of emancipation.