Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Lady With An Axe

                The double-edged sword of the Lady Justice symbolizes the power of reason and justice. It will break the chain of irrationality and cut the perpetuation of inequality. The sword will swing to protect a person of his right to life, liberty or property, but it can also be a tool to strike the heart of a man who disrespects the dictates of the law. Rather than being vindictive, its purpose is to preserve order and stability in social life, as anyone who wilfully crosses the border drawn by it is in danger of dealing the loss of his privileges and rights.

Now that the Senate is acting as a court in the impeachment case of the Chief justice, and that the senators have now become jurors by their own right, they must possess with no excuse the character of Justitia (the roman goddess of justice). As a political entity called upon by the Constitution to act on the merits of the case of an impeachable official, they must render justice, in accord with the moral force of observing the rule of law and the rule of reason. They must determine with all good fidelity whether or not the embattled official is fit to remain the office he holds. But unlike the lady justice, who decides without fear or favour, the senators are inclined in pursuing their political light to blend with the taste of the public, in order to secure victory when the kingdom of election comes.

The inconvenient truth would create the impression that the senators will be serving the whimsical desire and wishes of the public and in the abandonment of their sworn duty to do justice to the accused. In the light of this analysis, it is the people who are their master and not the majesty of the law. The fallen wings of justice and the death of truth is an imprint of an evil axe - public opinion.