Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Did the angels speak?

Unparalleled in any political history of a civilized nation, there has been no instance where right and reason have been defeated, than on the fateful day, when the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines, sitting as an impeachment court, rendered its verdict. An overwhelming majority placed a final nail on the coffin of the Chief Magistrate’s judicial career. Notwithstanding the clear and legal defences advanced by the defense panel during the trial, the court proceeded to convict the respondent. The grounds for conviction were repulsive to common sense and violative of fair play. Instead of taking the case on the merits, the self-proclaimed angels of the Senate took into consideration the expansion of their political occupation. Thus, the outcome was inevitable. It was more political than legal.

No concern was raised as to the effect of the independence of the third branch of government, nor was there any consideration on the consequence it will bring on our democratic institutions. The common standpoint is its implication on their hold of power. In the light of this perceive developments, integrity, together with wisdom, vanished in the same course when a tally was made on the guilty box. Even then, the guillotine was preset before the Chief justice enters trial. His innocence was never placed on the balance, as time is the only moving factor that delayed the final verdict. Everything was a script written down under a seal of finality without, however, the knowledge of the main actor – CJ Corona.

Obviously, to declare that the votes casted by the senators serve the unyielding interests of the Filipino people is a misbelief. The proposition to fight against corruption is, likewise, misplaced. Moreover, it is an erroneous exercise of mental faculty to deliver the idea that the voice of the people have won against an official which they deemed already unfit of being called the Chief Justice. The ticket for conviction is not about conscience but power in bare hands, influence in a naked eye and money in an open pocket. Hardly enough to accept, but, this is Philippine politics at its finest, where the actors know when to speak the truth, half-truth, or, even, no truth at all. In fact, if lying can kill, then the moment they move their lips, death would be instantaneous.

In the final analysis, this nation must veer out and leave behind bad politics. The same political life stands still since time immemorial, when, in a distant past, a country named Philippines was conceived. We might be treading on a straight path but on a wrong direction. It will be a direction where perversity, hypocrisy, insincerity, and idleness loom. Soon, when we shall open our eyes and succumb to realize that this nation is lost, then, we must accept that the high heavens will be weeping and will take care of our souls.

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