Sunday, May 19, 2019


The Mabua Pebble Beach of Surigao City

Well clad in Barong Tagalog, it was disheartening to know that the Judge was out of town and that the hearing for my case is postponed. I was new to Surigao City and my boat back to Cebu City will leave past 8 p.m. and guess? it was still 8:30 in the morning. With nothing to do except to wait for my ride home, I’ve decided to talk to some locals and asked the nearest beach they could offer. The recommendation is the Mabua Pebble Beach.

I decided to take a hop on a tricycle and led me to the famous Mabua pebble beach of Surigao City. It was give or take 15 to 20 minutes ride and I arrived in no time. Upon arriving, a poster tells you that there are 380 steps to take to the Tourist Spot. Wait? What? Why would I climb if all I’m after is for the pebble beach?

Well, I decided to take the steps one at a time and after reaching the peak, the commanding majestic coastline of the Pebble beach appeared before me.

Instead of descending back, I decided to continue my short journey as there is a trail leading to somewhere. And, yes! It was a surprise. A shoreline inhabited with a few residents and all was there was me!

There were pebbles all over the place. It was a new experience walking barefoot at the shore. There are huts available for rent with the pleasure to stay overnight.

As I was gazing the beauty of the Pebble beach over a stormy sky, I was invited by nature itself to take a dip on the waters of the beach. After 2 hours, the tricyle driver I hired came back and brought me back to the City where my boat ride awaits for me to Cebu City.

Thrilling. Awesome. Paradise.

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