Tuesday, May 14, 2019



I bet, other than being a local or a media practitioner, you did not have the chance to visit BORACAY while it was under rehabilitation. Perhaps, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's order of closure comes in a time where the beaches, nay the island, of BOARACAY suffered so much from commercialization. Up to this time (May 2019), rehabilitation is still in full swing given the number of things that needed repair, rehabilitation, and rebuilding.

Noteworthy is the striking determination of the Philippine Government in dealing this colossal issue on closure. Sure, tourism died down and jobs were temporarily lost but these are just momentary. We are about to see the complete rehabilitation in the days to come.

While BORACAY was closed, I have the opportunity to visit BORACAY in its pristine condition, when humans, party-goers and tourists emptied the beaches. Well, there were only locals and children who enjoyed the sanctity and serenity of the scenery over a cloudy back drop.

Here are some of the pictures we've taken:

The map of Boracay Island

Establishments along the coast of Boracay are closed

Stormy clouds threatens the coast line


The Rock Formation remains steads fast and will be a mute witness of Boracay's transformation

As the Sun is about to kiss good morning, locals enjoy gazing over the coast to find shell fish.

Pristine as it is.

What was once a crowded alley has not become a highway

The pictures were taken last July 2018. Improvements have already been introduced and sustainable tourism is now the battle cry. We need educated tourist and not a reckless one, we need mindful business enterprises and not those careless, and we need a decisive Government to heal a once prestigious best island of the world.

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