Monday, May 13, 2019



Last December 11, 2018, operatives from the National Bureau of Investigation - Environmental Crime Division conducted an entrapment operation in an against vendors of an Eatery in Pasil, Cebu City, Philippines for selling stewed sea turtle locally known as "PAWIKAN". Five were arrested and eventually brought before the City Prosecutor's Office of Cebu City, Philippines for violation of  Section (e) and (f) of Republic Act No. 9147 otherwise known as the "Wildlife Resources Conversation and Protection Act."

Sea Turtle or "Pawikan" is served as local delicacy known as "larang". It is a delicacy trooped by cebuanos from all walks of life because of the belief of its healing as well as aphrodisiac properties. The serving is from 65 to 90 pesos and usually available during lunch. Sadly, most consumers of these meat are government employees who elbow their way just to make an order.

What good sense is their for these individuals, both sellers and consumers, to eat this endangered specie at the expense of having the Sea Turtle "Pawikan" go totally extinct. The demand of this dish ultimately ends up in catching, butchering, and eating Sea Turtles.

During the raid by the NBI, what is disheartening is that they recovered 90 kgs. of Sea Turtle with 20 liters of already stewed sea turtle meat. The more cause of concern is that 6 sea turtles were recovered with one having a tag to "RETURN TO SANDAKAN, MALAYSIA".

When news was heard about the operation, many were in jubilation that the government, especially the NBI-Environmental Crime Division, acted on this illegality. Sadly, many agree that this has been happening for a long long period of time and that the government's action may be too late. Wel, at the least, the NBI Environmental Crime Division made a statement that KILLING, SELLING, CONSUMING OR HAVING IN HIS POSSESSION of an ENDANGERED SPECIE is against the law.

Here are the pictures of the Sea Turtles Butchered.

I hope that similar incident will no longer happen, more so, the poaching of endangered specie. It the wish of this generation that the succeeding children of our children will still enjoy the blessings of our Nature.

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