Monday, May 20, 2019


Philex Mines Hanging Bridge

Baguio City! Known for its cozy weather and charming parks, Baguio City is labelled as the Summer Capital of the Philippines. Tourists draw attraction to the good climate and accessible public parks of Baguio City. This bustling city hosts diverse cultures of the Highlands and Lowlands. If we speak of tourist attractions in Baguio, I can speak there is a lot, and, by mean of a lot, I speak of plenty. 

It takes you 4 or 5 hours travel by bus from Pasay or Cubao to get you at the Summer Capital and with the advent of the interconnected North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) and the Tarlac Pangasinan La Union Expressway (TPLEX) the travel has been convenient and a breeze.

A marker of the Philex Mines Hanging Bridge Rehabilitation
Now, deep within the province of Benguet is a mining company by the name of PHILEX Mining Corporation. Philex Mining Company (Philex for brevity) is an hour travel from heart of Baguio City - Burnham Park. It can be accessed through a jeepney plying the route of Baguio to Philex.

Let this post be clear that Philex is not a tourist attraction. Due, perhaps, to the mining activity and hazardous chemicals including explosives used within the vicinity of the mining area, it is, of course, rational that they do not allow tourists to gaze over its operations. Hence, visitors are strictly subjected to inspection and if you have no valid reason to be there, then you might be or will be denied entry.

Philex has a complex built for its miners. It is a small community high above the skies, towering over the mountain range of Benguet, and having commanding look over the famous pine trees. It has a school, a hospital, a wet market, a housing complex, even a basketball court, and name it, they have it all. 
Saint Louis High School of Philex
When I happened to be here, I was visiting my relatives who live at the Philex complex. My relatives toured me at their humble place and told me a hidden place. It turned out that that hidden place is a tourist attraction of the villagers and yes, it is the Philex Hanging Bridge. I was just as curious as a curious cat of finding out the Philex Hanging Bridge. So, to cure the curiosity of this curious man, I invited them to invite me to take a short walk to the Philex Hanging Bridge.

The pine trees of Philex Mines
We began our journey to the bridge at dawn. I cannot muster any words for the sight of glowing lights from the Philex complex. 

The lights forms a star-like glow from a distance
Leading to the Hanging Bridge is the imposing view of the mountain ranges.

The Sun kisses the morning 
The way to the hanging bridge is known only to the residents of the complex. You have to deal the steep slopes and descents, although roads are paved, and you have to tackle your evade and run skills from the dogs of the community. Now, arriving at the bridge is just breath-taking.

The Philex Hanging Bridge
And yes, crossing this bridge is spectacular. It's an estimated 50 foot drop. You must get into balance when traversing this bridge but locals make their way professional.

A closer look
Big Thanks to these kids!

Always enjoy the smaller picture of your travel. .

Hike. Bridge. Cross.

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