Wednesday, May 22, 2019


- Mens Rea -

A man is not a man by the display of his bravery, bravado, or brazenness. A man is not a man by the looks of his masculine thighs, tight arms or explosive chest. A man is not a man by the extent of material wealth he owns, by the exclusive clubs he joins, or by the big checks he draws. A man is not a man if he sows fear and hate, bullies the weak and the oppressed, harms the defenseless and the frail.

A man is not a man if he commits adultery, if he cheats, if he leaves his family to satisfy an illegitimate affair for the love of sexual tryst. A man is not a man if he hurts, if he chides, if he shouts. A man is not man if he does not value respect, if he cannot foster responsibility, if he cannot commit to love.

Now, Gentlemen present in this hall may ask themselves by what authority do I speak If I for one, by the very standards I laid, falter along these lines? Women present alike, however, are taking notes.

I do not know of any intellectual who has ever written anything that teaches young lads to become real men. I myself having only a handful of experience will neither attempt to teach nor implore the aid of any textbooks to tell to everyone when a man becomes a man. The only author is reflection, and the known writers are men themselves.

And as I thread along this path of life called experience, I yielded to the conclusion that I was not a man. I have lied and cheated; Disobeyed my parents; Betrayed and failed my dreams. I was running away from my responsibilities. I was not building a life, I was destroying it. I was becoming less of a man.

Gathering strength from all these weakness, I started to rewrite my story. This time I will be a man who will build his future from the rubles of his past; a man who will brave the dark alley to see the light of the day; a man who feels secure in dangerous moments.

I was at the receiving end of reality that we do not live in superficial times. The world does not need perfect men, for it does not exist. Mankind demands real men; Men who do not lie or break promises; Men who can rectify a wrong; Men who despise evil.

The qualities of a real man are shown by his very own perspective in life. If he sees the world positive and changing, he will not run wild like a killing beast. Our identities as men do not cease where the pavement ends. Real men do not evade the challenges of life. When he stumbles, he does not fret. He stands. When he falls, he does not weep. He rises. When he is hurt, he does not retaliate. He forgives. When he’s in doubt, he does not panic. He asks. When he drifts, he does not run. He reaches. When he’s wasted, he does not give up. He strives. When he’s broken, he does not regret. He loves again.

*This is a speech delivered in regular meeting at the Cebu Toastmasters Club by call sign Mens Rea.

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