Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Too much familiarity with each other may lead to a not so exciting relationships. Unless, of course, if you want to keep the status quo, you may want to keep your relationship on fire and on point. Relationships must not only be made to engage in an all too familiar and similar routine. Reinvent and explore and make time to do things outside the comfort zone.

Are you ready? Here are 7 Tips for CHEAP DATING.

1. DATE IN PUBLIC PARKS. Actually, it is a no-brainer. Instead of investing thick layers of cash in airplane tickets and hotels, why not date in public parks or in open green spaces or along the beaches. Travelling to places will take time and money, you do travelling of course but an alternative is to date in parks or in open green space. The best part of it, it's free. 

You may also want to enrich your knowledge in history by visiting museums. It may sound like a 4th grader thing but the fact is, you can be more appreciative of history once again. At least, you try to relive the past. Also, beaches can be a great place to do dating.

2. COOK AND DINE. Instead of spending some time and money in some fancy restaurant, why not cook? You'll be thinking that it is basic and elementary. Ooooppps!... you might have missed the point. Like travelling, plan the dish you would want to cook for your partner and friends. Then, go together in groceries and let the alleys of grocery items be your dating ground. Its fun arguing about the best ingredient in your dish or trolling on the better tomato sauce, pasta or bread. It a sure way to reinvent your habit of dating and eating in restaurants.

After buying some food stuffs, prepare the dish together while enjoying some sparkling wine or even without it. You may or may not prepare your table to mimic that of your favorite restaurant. You may decorate it with flowers or candles. You may dim the lights and play sweet music. Dining is best enjoyed with friends around. Do it more often, it can be economical and healthy.

3. PLANT TREES OF LOVE.  Whether its a fruit, vegetable, flower, or a tree, attempt some gardening stuff together. Rather than etching your names on the bark of a helpless tree, why not grow a tree and name it? Simple as it is, you can also help the environment and claim yourself to be an environmental warrior.

Over the years, the trees you've planted will grow and it will be fun to reminisce the day you've planted that tree together. Don't forget to etch your names.

4. GAZE THE STARS. Whether you're anticipating the dawn or dusk, or you just want to see some stars and comets, the romanticism of gazing the sky will remain an enigma to a loving heart. No one can ever explain that gleeful experience lying beneath the naked sky while having a sweet talk with your partner. 

The best part of this is that you can simply do it in your backyard, on your pick-up truck, during your camping or in the parking lot. The universe has kept scientist at bay as to its origin just like your love - No one knows how it started and where it came from. You will be amazed that time will go unnoticed if you gaze over the stars. 

5. COFFEE AT THE HOUSE. Who can resist a  good conversation over a hot coffee? And, it is most coveted during rainy days. A piece of cookie or pastry, sipping a piping hot coffee on rainy days will keep your body warm and your romantic relationship heated. But, instead of buying coffee in Starbucks, try to grind and ground local coffee beans and have an authentic taste of locally grown coffee. But, if you're not that caffeine type person, a hot chocolate will do.

6. DO NETFLIX. Watching movies together is part of every relationship goals either by want or need. Netflix offers numerous movies, series or tv drama, all you want at any time. You will not queue, you will not wait, you have no seatmate other than your partner. You can hug, cuddle and kiss your partner in the absence of prying eyes. And, you can start, pause or re-start the whole movie at your whimsical desire.

7.  EXERCISE TOGETHER. Take your shoes on and run. Grab your bike and hit the trail. Dress your Dry fit and enter the gym. Exercising together improves your health and spends only energy except of course after the gym when you try to eat some burgers and fries and spend some money. It will help build your physique as well as your relationship.

At least, do it twice a week, after work. 

On a final note, dating should not be at expensive cost. Dating should not be a mere routine activity. Dating can be cheap but meaningful. Have some fun together and do cheap dating now.

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