Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Too much familiarity with each other may lead to a not so exciting relationships. Unless, of course, if you want to keep the status quo, you may want to keep your relationship on fire and on point. Relationships must not only be made to engage in an all too familiar and similar routine. Reinvent and explore and make time to do things outside the comfort zone.

Are you ready? Here are 7 Tips for CHEAP DATING.

1. DATE IN PUBLIC PARKS. Actually, it is a no-brainer. Instead of investing thick layers of cash in airplane tickets and hotels, why not date in public parks or in open green spaces or along the beaches. Travelling to places will take time and money, you do travelling of course but an alternative is to date in parks or in open green space. The best part of it, it's free. 

You may also want to enrich your knowledge in history by visiting museums. It may sound like a 4th grader thing but the fact is, you can be more appreciative of history once again. At least, you try to relive the past. Also, beaches can be a great place to do dating.

2. COOK AND DINE. Instead of spending some time and money in some fancy restaurant, why not cook? You'll be thinking that it is basic and elementary. Ooooppps!... you might have missed the point. Like travelling, plan the dish you would want to cook for your partner and friends. Then, go together in groceries and let the alleys of grocery items be your dating ground. Its fun arguing about the best ingredient in your dish or trolling on the better tomato sauce, pasta or bread. It a sure way to reinvent your habit of dating and eating in restaurants.

After buying some food stuffs, prepare the dish together while enjoying some sparkling wine or even without it. You may or may not prepare your table to mimic that of your favorite restaurant. You may decorate it with flowers or candles. You may dim the lights and play sweet music. Dining is best enjoyed with friends around. Do it more often, it can be economical and healthy.

3. PLANT TREES OF LOVE.  Whether its a fruit, vegetable, flower, or a tree, attempt some gardening stuff together. Rather than etching your names on the bark of a helpless tree, why not grow a tree and name it? Simple as it is, you can also help the environment and claim yourself to be an environmental warrior.

Over the years, the trees you've planted will grow and it will be fun to reminisce the day you've planted that tree together. Don't forget to etch your names.

4. GAZE THE STARS. Whether you're anticipating the dawn or dusk, or you just want to see some stars and comets, the romanticism of gazing the sky will remain an enigma to a loving heart. No one can ever explain that gleeful experience lying beneath the naked sky while having a sweet talk with your partner. 

The best part of this is that you can simply do it in your backyard, on your pick-up truck, during your camping or in the parking lot. The universe has kept scientist at bay as to its origin just like your love - No one knows how it started and where it came from. You will be amazed that time will go unnoticed if you gaze over the stars. 

5. COFFEE AT THE HOUSE. Who can resist a  good conversation over a hot coffee? And, it is most coveted during rainy days. A piece of cookie or pastry, sipping a piping hot coffee on rainy days will keep your body warm and your romantic relationship heated. But, instead of buying coffee in Starbucks, try to grind and ground local coffee beans and have an authentic taste of locally grown coffee. But, if you're not that caffeine type person, a hot chocolate will do.

6. DO NETFLIX. Watching movies together is part of every relationship goals either by want or need. Netflix offers numerous movies, series or tv drama, all you want at any time. You will not queue, you will not wait, you have no seatmate other than your partner. You can hug, cuddle and kiss your partner in the absence of prying eyes. And, you can start, pause or re-start the whole movie at your whimsical desire.

7.  EXERCISE TOGETHER. Take your shoes on and run. Grab your bike and hit the trail. Dress your Dry fit and enter the gym. Exercising together improves your health and spends only energy except of course after the gym when you try to eat some burgers and fries and spend some money. It will help build your physique as well as your relationship.

At least, do it twice a week, after work. 

On a final note, dating should not be at expensive cost. Dating should not be a mere routine activity. Dating can be cheap but meaningful. Have some fun together and do cheap dating now.

Monday, June 3, 2019


When relationships end, a new beginning will unfold, but, it is not always as easy. Before a new horizon shines, one will have to deal with a very cold, stark and dark past. Memories of your once sweet story will toxify your heart, mind and soul until you get fed and realize that your life is not all about loving someone you now call an "ex".

Let us bring back your fond memories. Maybe, you were childhood friends, college buddies, workmates or tinder dates, regardless, however, your love story started with unsuspecting "hi's" and "hello's". Maybe, it took years, months or weeks, not to mention days, to develop your feeling for each other and that sense of feeling is not at all to be concluded as only fleeting. Maybe, you have sipped through hot and cold coffees, together you've exchanged funny childhood experiences, shared jokes of all sorts, and told every piece of promise that a life without her is but empty. Maybe, you have travelled together in places as friends or as would-be lovers.   

Soon enough, both of you discovered that amorous tingling sensation deep inside your hearts and the only way to express it out is to confess the greatest feeling one can ever imagine and that is by saying "you are falling". "Falling" big word. The last time I adore the word was with the song "Total eclipse of my heart" by Bonnie Tyler. "Once upon a time I was falling in love but I now I'm only falling apart"- such a powerful lyrics for a broken heart.

Now, you were confused of your feeling. Pretending to ask questions and pretending to answer it. You quipped, felt the same way and loved in exchange of love. You glowed together, had great time and great sex. You ventured as lovers to strange places and showed affection to each other in the eyes of strangers. You confess your love and admit it. You vow for an unconditional love and certainly, the reply was love without condition.

The excitement rushed as you first hold her hands, closed your eyes, and tendered your lips towards her. Sweetest, you describe. Unending as you wish. Then, in many occasions, the familiar becomes unfamiliar. The obvious now became obscure. You fight and mend, you cry and laugh, you were broke and you were fixed.

Then, one day, you woke with tears in your eyes. To your confusion, you tried to recall what happened and when your sober self recalled, the night ended in lost. Either you broke-up with her or she does, but, just the same, that thin line of hopeless love snaps. What was once a hopeful dream of marriage and children crumbled. None of you was left behind as both you took opposing paths.

Now, you're broken. In tears, I assume. In despair, I suspect. That once feeling you adore has now morphed into an ill-feeling, a structured hate as both of you betrayed the promises of your love. So, how? How do you expect yourself to heal in what seems to be an immortal wound? How can you breathe for life, if your heart was taken away? How will you ever search for answers, when you do not know the questions?

The immediate relief, perhaps, may not be a glass of wine or a bottle of beer because you drown yourself, bathe yourself, and intoxicate yourself with alcohol. What cure can it bring if it soothes only a temporary ease of a heavy heart. You do things according to textbooks. You travel, you drink, perhaps, meet new dates, you do this and that to bury that undeniable sickness within you. You swear, curse, shout, you say things if only to throw up the feelings you had. 

You want to escape, maybe, even think of dying. Death is no love and when you can love again, death is not an option. By the time you've done crying and become sober, realize that what left you is the physical being of you "ex". Your ability to love did not leave you as it will remain and will ever be.

Love, my dear, did not leave you. Love remains the same and the probability of loving again is undoubtedly certain. You do not stage a wake of your dead feelings. It's done and gone. Do not languish in sadness and sorrow. Do not regret.

Do not feel defeated, but if you feel it then let it be. But, remind yourself that you are to win love. Your break-up is just another story to tell, another lesson to learn, another opportunity to find the purest love. 

Do not treat your break-up as the darkest, morbid chapter of your life. Life is supposed to be lived in happiness. Be glad that you left a life where there can only be an unhappy love. Like a tree chopped off of its stem, be strong to fight back and love again. 

Sunday, June 2, 2019


The Philippine Bar examination is considered as one of the most challenging licensure examinations in the Philippines. Its mortally rate is much higher compared to other government regulated examination. It is the Supreme Court and not the Philippine Regulation Commission that administers the examination, as well as the conferment of the license to practice law. From the Halls of the Manuel L. Quezon University to the University of Sto. Tomas, it has make and break hearts, dreams and aspirations.

Many, perhaps, have attempted to persuade you on how to answer bar questions and this is no exception. However, rather than dwelling on the substance and content of the answer, this focuses on simple tips you might have overlooked and will be looking during the course of your road-to-being-a-lawyer.


1. Always treat your examination in law school as the actual bar exam. There is nothing that can be achieved without preparation. Preparation, as has been said, starts in the first day of law school. Certainly, depending on the law school, it administers two or four examinations every semester. Always treat that examination as if you are taking the bar examination. No excuses.

If during your law school days, you wear a jacket while answering, you were jacket in Sto. Tomas. If during your law school days, you write with a cheap gel pen, use that cheap gel pen. If during your law school days, you do not eat while taking the examinations, then do not eat while taking the bar examinations.

2. Avoid extremely numerous erasures. Your excitement might cause you to write swiftly your answers in your notebook but the hitch is that your organized thoughts might not reflect that is what is written on your notebook. Organize your thoughts and write it without a rush although you must be conscious of the time. This skill needs practice. Failure to do this will eventually lead you to so much erasures as there are skip words you will insert or delete repeated words or redundancy. 

It is not pleasant if, at first glance, there are so many erasures on your notebook. It is a cause of concern. So, even before you mock-bar have yourself your our mock-bar in the confines of your room. Study the choice of words and the structure of your answer. Refine if needed.

3. Observe Margin and Indention. Nothing beats a well-presented answer to the eyes of the examiner. You market yourself through the neatness of your work. While others say that a neat work will expose grammar and spelling issues, then muster your grammar and spelling. 

Just imagine a work without a margin and indention. It will not only look terrible but also disappointing, as it shows unprofessionalism and mediocrity of work.

4. Review your entire work. Make it a habit to review your work before you submit the same. While there may be unavoidable corrections at least show to the examiner that you corrected it. It leaves an impression that you are diligent in your work and that you have one of the fundamental traits of a lawyer -finding fault to where there is none (just kidding). Seriously, reviewing the entire work of yours, at this early stage, will have good repercussions as it will become mechanical in the process.

5. Have enough rest. Yes! Rest is a huge contributor in your passing percentage. An overworked candidate of the bar will not likely give the best shots of his as fatigue will set in the course of the examination. When that happens, you tend to finish your work in haste, your comprehension will falter, your appreciation of facts will fail, and remembering the law will be a struggle. A good rest is enough to boost your energy in staging an eight hour battle for four Sundays.

Relax if need be. Pressure and so much overthinking will not help. You will always have that weird feeling that every topic in your law book will be asked. But the truth is that of the thousands of principles in Civil Law only 30 basic principles will come out. It is enough to master the basic, after all, the Supreme Court needs only passers with that of an entry-level lawyer. Do not bother about it. Chill.

6. Claim that you will. Have faith in yourself. Never doubt. Grow that feeling that you can hurdle every single questions being asked. You might not provide the right answer, at least, give a reasonable one. The average passing percentage is peg at 20% . Be part of that! You must have that fighting spirit, a burning will, and a willful intent to be a lawyer. Hard work and smart studying will bring you to the halls of the revered Supreme Court for your signing of the roll of attorneys.

7. Pray. Nothing is stronger than the will of our Supreme Judge.

Hope this will help you. Goodluck!

Monday, May 27, 2019


For more than a century, the Philippine bar examination has been a tale of success, failure and redemption. Many are poised to join the legal profession, yet a handful are given passes to hurdle that difficult bar examinations. Candidly speaking, the bar examination is just another examination akin to that in law school. There is nothing special about it except that the examination is for eight subjects held at the University of Sto. Tomas and crunched into four Sundays. Frankly, many bar questions ask the same application of principles and novel principles sometimes are introduced but, still, it is the obvious that is begging.

Romancing the lips of an angel in celebration and failure.
Now, in tears or frustration, you have not read your name from among the list of the successful bar examinees. In shock and denial, you perused the list over and over and over again. In desperation and exasperation, you ought to blame the examiners, the professors and maybe, your friends, family or your disposition in life for your failure.

To point fingers is a betrayal of yourself. No one is to blame other than you. I have to warn you that this article is not intended to draw inspiration so that by the time you are done reading this material, you will immediately jump from your seat and scour the pages of your law books. This article is an attempt, perhaps, of the reasons why you have failed the bar and will keep failing.

Remember the 3 L’s? Does it even sound familiar? 3 L’s as professors demand from you in your law school days are LEGIBILITY, LANGUAGE and LAW.

What is LEGIBILITY? Legibility, in its simplest form, is the ability to write clearly the words, phrases and sentences so as to make it readable from the standpoint of the reader. You might find your writing incomprehensible from another's view and you have a heavy burden to correct your ways. The ability to convey your message in proper handwriting is not an innate skill where only chosen artists are bestowed with rather it is a learned skill. It is a skill which can be developed through constant practice and patience.

However, legibility is not limited in writing the words correctly; proper margin and indention are also factors. Also, the proper way of erasure, if unavoidable, must be taken into consideration. You may, perhaps, failed in this aspect if your work was done hastily and with no regard to punctuation, margin, and indention. It is a sure way to create a disaster.

An examiner feels respected if your work is neat. There was a Supreme Court Guideline in the 2013 bar exams that the ideal number of words per line is seven to ten words. Do not compress the sentences and be generous of the spaces. The first impression does not come from your reasoning and citation of law but from the legibility of your work. Make it neat and comforting to the eyes of a 60 year old examiner.

What is LANGUAGE? By the time you have decided to go to law school must have must already understood that the official language of the court is English. Command of English is a key factor to convey your message. Lack of it will send confusing ideas and incomprehensible statements. Your subject-verb agreement may have no agreement at all and your grammar may be in complete disarray.

Bad English is not always a result of bad education. Bad English is an element of flunking. Bad English does not make you a lawyer. Good command of English will always lead you to greater percentage of passing the bar. You can easily dismay the examiner if, for instance, in the opening lines alone, you speak of language fairly spoken by aliens.

How do you cure that? I propose two ways of solving the unsolvable, First, read a lot of news paper editorials; and Second, memorize the law. Reading news paper items will make you more wittingly articulate. Mimic the writing style of an editor.

When reading a material, always, make sure to comprehend and finish it. It is always a good habit to finish reading the material. Do not roll your eyes over or gaze at it like the shooting stars at the night sky. Always bear in mind that the bar examination is an 8 hour ordeal and during that 8 hour, your comprehension to the questions raised will give you a better chance of giving a correct and reasonable answer.

Now, by memorizing the law, you are thereby literally borrowing the language of the law. You can never go wrong when you memorize law, I speak only of the language and not its application. The problem with law books is that it has no pictures. The remedy is to endure it. 

Further, always find time to mandatorily review your work and read in lips the sentences you’ve written. You can track and detect with ease the lapses you have committed and correct it. The trouble with you is that you do not review your work. Like a good editor, correct your work before submission.

What is LAW? Bar exam is all about preparation and preparation starts at the first of law school. It has been, time and again, echoed in all articles written by legal luminaries on how to pass even top the bar exam.

Either you lack basic knowledge of the law or fail to appreciate the question so as to provide an incorrect application of the law. Reading the bar question and understanding the bar question are two different things. You probably failed to understand the bar question, thus you provided Law A as an answer instead of Law B.

The examiners are not unforgiving. In fact, they give credit to answers which may provide reasonable and intelligent answer. Law is not a perfect science and it will never be. A long standing principle today may be overturned in the afternoon. A law promulgated a century ago may be repealed at any moment’s notice. A doctrine once held for a time may be abandoned for a second. The point is, a good argument of the law is a good credit waiting.

During you law days, perhaps, you yielded to your desire in skipping reading the entire supreme court decision, took shortcuts and embrace memory aids instead of law books, and drown in self belief that you can make the bar with little to no understanding of the entire process.

There are countless factors why you failed and there will plenty of reasons to strive and strike again. Strike like an eagle. The bar is just another examination. There is nothing special about it. It’s just and will be an examination.

So, why have you failed? Guess?

Friday, May 24, 2019


Located along Taft Avenue and near Rizal Park, this unassuming food stall carries a punching power when it comes to beef pares. By punching power, it is meant to mean that it is packed with the right amount of spice, firm egg noodles, and, yes!, chunky beef meat and beef fat.
LAKAY WALASTIK PARES located along Taft Ave. Manila 
Beef Pares maybe one of the comfort foods of pinoys and when it comes to beef pares many may have served you the best as to your liking. For every serving of Beef Pares, there will always be that distinct taste unique to every restaurant, food stall or, even, in ambulant food vendors in Manila streets.

Many Pares house may have legendary pares and some may have lackluster performance in beefy taste. But still, it will always be enjoyed and loved by Filipinos from, definitely, all walks of life.

Now, just beneath the United Nations LRT 1 is LAKAY WALASTIK MAMI. Its best dish? Guess? Yes! Beef pares and Beef Pares Mami! This no fancy eatery serves only two kinds of meal – Beef Pares and Beef Pares Mami! No drama, no fuss, just good meal and a beefy experience.

LAKAY WALASTIK MAMI is a 10 seater beef-busting-meal-eatery situated along the walkway of Taft Avenue, Manila. Its menu is straightforward, it serves the following menu:

1                                      MAMI – Php 25.00
2                                      MAMI w/ RICE – Php 35.00
3                                     PARES – Php 50.00
4                                     MIX – Php 60.00

Affordable and delicious, a hot meal will be served right in front of you. The staff is friendly and will generously give you additional soup and beef fat should you wish.
Still to be exploited Beef Pares Mami with a touch of Chili Sauce
The soup is piping hot, beefy, and has a kick of spice. You can mount up your soup with soy sauce, chili sauce and lime. Its best experienced with the said condiments. It is one sure way of letting you sweat as the delicious and delightful spice of the soup warms your mouth and tummy.

The egg noodle is firm. Period.

The beef slices, beef fat and sometimes, beef innards, are so so good. The beef fat is the best as it melts in your mouth with no to zero effort of chewing. The beef is boiled with spices for hours until that tender-chew-melting texture is achieved.

A mix of egg noodles and beef pares
The brown rice is brown rice. It’s a perfect pair.

For the best experience of LAKAY WALASTIC MAMI, you can find your way at the LRT Station and drop at the United Nations Station. For jeepney travelers, you can ride a jeep to Rizal Park and make sure the route is along taft avenue, then you can stop at the United Nations Station or if your coming from Kalaw St. or Savemore Kalaw a short walk will do.
Hot Hot Hot Beef Pares Mami
LAKAY WALASTIC MAMI is open from 6: am until it runs out of beef pares. Experience this.

Eat. Noodles. Pares.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Justices of the Supreme Court during the 2013 Bar Passers Oath Taking
Almighty God, we stand in your holy presence as our Supreme Judge. We humbly beseech You to bless and inspire us so that what we think, say, and do will be in accordance with Your will.

Enlighten our minds, strengthen our spirit, and fill our hearts with fraternal love, wisdom and understanding, so that we can be effective channels of truth, justice, and peace. In our proceedings today, guide us in the path of righteousness for the fulfillment of Your greater glory. Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


- Mens Rea -

A man is not a man by the display of his bravery, bravado, or brazenness. A man is not a man by the looks of his masculine thighs, tight arms or explosive chest. A man is not a man by the extent of material wealth he owns, by the exclusive clubs he joins, or by the big checks he draws. A man is not a man if he sows fear and hate, bullies the weak and the oppressed, harms the defenseless and the frail.

A man is not a man if he commits adultery, if he cheats, if he leaves his family to satisfy an illegitimate affair for the love of sexual tryst. A man is not a man if he hurts, if he chides, if he shouts. A man is not man if he does not value respect, if he cannot foster responsibility, if he cannot commit to love.

Now, Gentlemen present in this hall may ask themselves by what authority do I speak If I for one, by the very standards I laid, falter along these lines? Women present alike, however, are taking notes.

I do not know of any intellectual who has ever written anything that teaches young lads to become real men. I myself having only a handful of experience will neither attempt to teach nor implore the aid of any textbooks to tell to everyone when a man becomes a man. The only author is reflection, and the known writers are men themselves.

And as I thread along this path of life called experience, I yielded to the conclusion that I was not a man. I have lied and cheated; Disobeyed my parents; Betrayed and failed my dreams. I was running away from my responsibilities. I was not building a life, I was destroying it. I was becoming less of a man.

Gathering strength from all these weakness, I started to rewrite my story. This time I will be a man who will build his future from the rubles of his past; a man who will brave the dark alley to see the light of the day; a man who feels secure in dangerous moments.

I was at the receiving end of reality that we do not live in superficial times. The world does not need perfect men, for it does not exist. Mankind demands real men; Men who do not lie or break promises; Men who can rectify a wrong; Men who despise evil.

The qualities of a real man are shown by his very own perspective in life. If he sees the world positive and changing, he will not run wild like a killing beast. Our identities as men do not cease where the pavement ends. Real men do not evade the challenges of life. When he stumbles, he does not fret. He stands. When he falls, he does not weep. He rises. When he is hurt, he does not retaliate. He forgives. When he’s in doubt, he does not panic. He asks. When he drifts, he does not run. He reaches. When he’s wasted, he does not give up. He strives. When he’s broken, he does not regret. He loves again.

*This is a speech delivered in regular meeting at the Cebu Toastmasters Club by call sign Mens Rea.