Monday, May 27, 2019


For more than a century, the Philippine bar examination has been a tale of success, failure and redemption. Many are poised to join the legal profession, yet a handful are given passes to hurdle that difficult bar examinations. Candidly speaking, the bar examination is just another examination akin to that in law school. There is nothing special about it except that the examination is for eight subjects held at the University of Sto. Tomas and crunched into four Sundays. Frankly, many bar questions ask the same application of principles and novel principles sometimes are introduced but, still, it is the obvious that is begging.

Romancing the lips of an angel in celebration and failure.
Now, in tears or frustration, you have not read your name from among the list of the successful bar examinees. In shock and denial, you perused the list over and over and over again. In desperation and exasperation, you ought to blame the examiners, the professors and maybe, your friends, family or your disposition in life for your failure.

To point fingers is a betrayal of yourself. No one is to blame other than you. I have to warn you that this article is not intended to draw inspiration so that by the time you are done reading this material, you will immediately jump from your seat and scour the pages of your law books. This article is an attempt, perhaps, of the reasons why you have failed the bar and will keep failing.

Remember the 3 L’s? Does it even sound familiar? 3 L’s as professors demand from you in your law school days are LEGIBILITY, LANGUAGE and LAW.

What is LEGIBILITY? Legibility, in its simplest form, is the ability to write clearly the words, phrases and sentences so as to make it readable from the standpoint of the reader. You might find your writing incomprehensible from another's view and you have a heavy burden to correct your ways. The ability to convey your message in proper handwriting is not an innate skill where only chosen artists are bestowed with rather it is a learned skill. It is a skill which can be developed through constant practice and patience.

However, legibility is not limited in writing the words correctly; proper margin and indention are also factors. Also, the proper way of erasure, if unavoidable, must be taken into consideration. You may, perhaps, failed in this aspect if your work was done hastily and with no regard to punctuation, margin, and indention. It is a sure way to create a disaster.

An examiner feels respected if your work is neat. There was a Supreme Court Guideline in the 2013 bar exams that the ideal number of words per line is seven to ten words. Do not compress the sentences and be generous of the spaces. The first impression does not come from your reasoning and citation of law but from the legibility of your work. Make it neat and comforting to the eyes of a 60 year old examiner.

What is LANGUAGE? By the time you have decided to go to law school must have must already understood that the official language of the court is English. Command of English is a key factor to convey your message. Lack of it will send confusing ideas and incomprehensible statements. Your subject-verb agreement may have no agreement at all and your grammar may be in complete disarray.

Bad English is not always a result of bad education. Bad English is an element of flunking. Bad English does not make you a lawyer. Good command of English will always lead you to greater percentage of passing the bar. You can easily dismay the examiner if, for instance, in the opening lines alone, you speak of language fairly spoken by aliens.

How do you cure that? I propose two ways of solving the unsolvable, First, read a lot of news paper editorials; and Second, memorize the law. Reading news paper items will make you more wittingly articulate. Mimic the writing style of an editor.

When reading a material, always, make sure to comprehend and finish it. It is always a good habit to finish reading the material. Do not roll your eyes over or gaze at it like the shooting stars at the night sky. Always bear in mind that the bar examination is an 8 hour ordeal and during that 8 hour, your comprehension to the questions raised will give you a better chance of giving a correct and reasonable answer.

Now, by memorizing the law, you are thereby literally borrowing the language of the law. You can never go wrong when you memorize law, I speak only of the language and not its application. The problem with law books is that it has no pictures. The remedy is to endure it. 

Further, always find time to mandatorily review your work and read in lips the sentences you’ve written. You can track and detect with ease the lapses you have committed and correct it. The trouble with you is that you do not review your work. Like a good editor, correct your work before submission.

What is LAW? Bar exam is all about preparation and preparation starts at the first of law school. It has been, time and again, echoed in all articles written by legal luminaries on how to pass even top the bar exam.

Either you lack basic knowledge of the law or fail to appreciate the question so as to provide an incorrect application of the law. Reading the bar question and understanding the bar question are two different things. You probably failed to understand the bar question, thus you provided Law A as an answer instead of Law B.

The examiners are not unforgiving. In fact, they give credit to answers which may provide reasonable and intelligent answer. Law is not a perfect science and it will never be. A long standing principle today may be overturned in the afternoon. A law promulgated a century ago may be repealed at any moment’s notice. A doctrine once held for a time may be abandoned for a second. The point is, a good argument of the law is a good credit waiting.

During you law days, perhaps, you yielded to your desire in skipping reading the entire supreme court decision, took shortcuts and embrace memory aids instead of law books, and drown in self belief that you can make the bar with little to no understanding of the entire process.

There are countless factors why you failed and there will plenty of reasons to strive and strike again. Strike like an eagle. The bar is just another examination. There is nothing special about it. It’s just and will be an examination.

So, why have you failed? Guess?

Friday, May 24, 2019


Located along Taft Avenue and near Rizal Park, this unassuming food stall carries a punching power when it comes to beef pares. By punching power, it is meant to mean that it is packed with the right amount of spice, firm egg noodles, and, yes!, chunky beef meat and beef fat.
LAKAY WALASTIK PARES located along Taft Ave. Manila 
Beef Pares maybe one of the comfort foods of pinoys and when it comes to beef pares many may have served you the best as to your liking. For every serving of Beef Pares, there will always be that distinct taste unique to every restaurant, food stall or, even, in ambulant food vendors in Manila streets.

Many Pares house may have legendary pares and some may have lackluster performance in beefy taste. But still, it will always be enjoyed and loved by Filipinos from, definitely, all walks of life.

Now, just beneath the United Nations LRT 1 is LAKAY WALASTIK MAMI. Its best dish? Guess? Yes! Beef pares and Beef Pares Mami! This no fancy eatery serves only two kinds of meal – Beef Pares and Beef Pares Mami! No drama, no fuss, just good meal and a beefy experience.

LAKAY WALASTIK MAMI is a 10 seater beef-busting-meal-eatery situated along the walkway of Taft Avenue, Manila. Its menu is straightforward, it serves the following menu:

1                                      MAMI – Php 25.00
2                                      MAMI w/ RICE – Php 35.00
3                                     PARES – Php 50.00
4                                     MIX – Php 60.00

Affordable and delicious, a hot meal will be served right in front of you. The staff is friendly and will generously give you additional soup and beef fat should you wish.
Still to be exploited Beef Pares Mami with a touch of Chili Sauce
The soup is piping hot, beefy, and has a kick of spice. You can mount up your soup with soy sauce, chili sauce and lime. Its best experienced with the said condiments. It is one sure way of letting you sweat as the delicious and delightful spice of the soup warms your mouth and tummy.

The egg noodle is firm. Period.

The beef slices, beef fat and sometimes, beef innards, are so so good. The beef fat is the best as it melts in your mouth with no to zero effort of chewing. The beef is boiled with spices for hours until that tender-chew-melting texture is achieved.

A mix of egg noodles and beef pares
The brown rice is brown rice. It’s a perfect pair.

For the best experience of LAKAY WALASTIC MAMI, you can find your way at the LRT Station and drop at the United Nations Station. For jeepney travelers, you can ride a jeep to Rizal Park and make sure the route is along taft avenue, then you can stop at the United Nations Station or if your coming from Kalaw St. or Savemore Kalaw a short walk will do.
Hot Hot Hot Beef Pares Mami
LAKAY WALASTIC MAMI is open from 6: am until it runs out of beef pares. Experience this.

Eat. Noodles. Pares.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Justices of the Supreme Court during the 2013 Bar Passers Oath Taking
Almighty God, we stand in your holy presence as our Supreme Judge. We humbly beseech You to bless and inspire us so that what we think, say, and do will be in accordance with Your will.

Enlighten our minds, strengthen our spirit, and fill our hearts with fraternal love, wisdom and understanding, so that we can be effective channels of truth, justice, and peace. In our proceedings today, guide us in the path of righteousness for the fulfillment of Your greater glory. Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


- Mens Rea -

A man is not a man by the display of his bravery, bravado, or brazenness. A man is not a man by the looks of his masculine thighs, tight arms or explosive chest. A man is not a man by the extent of material wealth he owns, by the exclusive clubs he joins, or by the big checks he draws. A man is not a man if he sows fear and hate, bullies the weak and the oppressed, harms the defenseless and the frail.

A man is not a man if he commits adultery, if he cheats, if he leaves his family to satisfy an illegitimate affair for the love of sexual tryst. A man is not a man if he hurts, if he chides, if he shouts. A man is not man if he does not value respect, if he cannot foster responsibility, if he cannot commit to love.

Now, Gentlemen present in this hall may ask themselves by what authority do I speak If I for one, by the very standards I laid, falter along these lines? Women present alike, however, are taking notes.

I do not know of any intellectual who has ever written anything that teaches young lads to become real men. I myself having only a handful of experience will neither attempt to teach nor implore the aid of any textbooks to tell to everyone when a man becomes a man. The only author is reflection, and the known writers are men themselves.

And as I thread along this path of life called experience, I yielded to the conclusion that I was not a man. I have lied and cheated; Disobeyed my parents; Betrayed and failed my dreams. I was running away from my responsibilities. I was not building a life, I was destroying it. I was becoming less of a man.

Gathering strength from all these weakness, I started to rewrite my story. This time I will be a man who will build his future from the rubles of his past; a man who will brave the dark alley to see the light of the day; a man who feels secure in dangerous moments.

I was at the receiving end of reality that we do not live in superficial times. The world does not need perfect men, for it does not exist. Mankind demands real men; Men who do not lie or break promises; Men who can rectify a wrong; Men who despise evil.

The qualities of a real man are shown by his very own perspective in life. If he sees the world positive and changing, he will not run wild like a killing beast. Our identities as men do not cease where the pavement ends. Real men do not evade the challenges of life. When he stumbles, he does not fret. He stands. When he falls, he does not weep. He rises. When he is hurt, he does not retaliate. He forgives. When he’s in doubt, he does not panic. He asks. When he drifts, he does not run. He reaches. When he’s wasted, he does not give up. He strives. When he’s broken, he does not regret. He loves again.

*This is a speech delivered in regular meeting at the Cebu Toastmasters Club by call sign Mens Rea.

Monday, May 20, 2019


Philex Mines Hanging Bridge

Baguio City! Known for its cozy weather and charming parks, Baguio City is labelled as the Summer Capital of the Philippines. Tourists draw attraction to the good climate and accessible public parks of Baguio City. This bustling city hosts diverse cultures of the Highlands and Lowlands. If we speak of tourist attractions in Baguio, I can speak there is a lot, and, by mean of a lot, I speak of plenty. 

It takes you 4 or 5 hours travel by bus from Pasay or Cubao to get you at the Summer Capital and with the advent of the interconnected North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) and the Tarlac Pangasinan La Union Expressway (TPLEX) the travel has been convenient and a breeze.

A marker of the Philex Mines Hanging Bridge Rehabilitation
Now, deep within the province of Benguet is a mining company by the name of PHILEX Mining Corporation. Philex Mining Company (Philex for brevity) is an hour travel from heart of Baguio City - Burnham Park. It can be accessed through a jeepney plying the route of Baguio to Philex.

Let this post be clear that Philex is not a tourist attraction. Due, perhaps, to the mining activity and hazardous chemicals including explosives used within the vicinity of the mining area, it is, of course, rational that they do not allow tourists to gaze over its operations. Hence, visitors are strictly subjected to inspection and if you have no valid reason to be there, then you might be or will be denied entry.

Philex has a complex built for its miners. It is a small community high above the skies, towering over the mountain range of Benguet, and having commanding look over the famous pine trees. It has a school, a hospital, a wet market, a housing complex, even a basketball court, and name it, they have it all. 
Saint Louis High School of Philex
When I happened to be here, I was visiting my relatives who live at the Philex complex. My relatives toured me at their humble place and told me a hidden place. It turned out that that hidden place is a tourist attraction of the villagers and yes, it is the Philex Hanging Bridge. I was just as curious as a curious cat of finding out the Philex Hanging Bridge. So, to cure the curiosity of this curious man, I invited them to invite me to take a short walk to the Philex Hanging Bridge.

The pine trees of Philex Mines
We began our journey to the bridge at dawn. I cannot muster any words for the sight of glowing lights from the Philex complex. 

The lights forms a star-like glow from a distance
Leading to the Hanging Bridge is the imposing view of the mountain ranges.

The Sun kisses the morning 
The way to the hanging bridge is known only to the residents of the complex. You have to deal the steep slopes and descents, although roads are paved, and you have to tackle your evade and run skills from the dogs of the community. Now, arriving at the bridge is just breath-taking.

The Philex Hanging Bridge
And yes, crossing this bridge is spectacular. It's an estimated 50 foot drop. You must get into balance when traversing this bridge but locals make their way professional.

A closer look
Big Thanks to these kids!

Always enjoy the smaller picture of your travel. .

Hike. Bridge. Cross.


BUWAD (Dried Fish)

Cebu is home to the famous crispy lechon and sweet mangoes. While many relish on munching the crispy skin of lechon Cebu and delight on Cebu's sweet mangoes, one cannot escape another contender of Cebu's best dish - Buwad. Buwad, in local dialect which means "to dry", is a local name for dried fish. A typical Cebuano's diet is incomplete if Buwad is not on their plate.

Buwad on display at Taboan Public Market

Straight forward, Buwad is a carrier of salty sweet ocean taste. But, be careful because excess of consumption of this delicious delicacy is a sure way to raise your Blood pressure and its not pleasurable. Buwad is sold and is commonly available to every Public Market in Cebu. You know where to find Buwad by following its strong scent. 

Where can you buy the best Buwad in town? Unless you can directly source your supply in the islands of Cebu, usually in Bantayan Island, the next best area to greet you with Buwad is in Taboan Public Market in Cebu City. Just a jeepney away from Cebu City Hall, this 10 minute trip to Taboan Public Market will offer you many options from dried danguit to dried pusit and with sides of dried mangoes and chorizo, you can buy your buwad for as low as 300 to 800 per kilo depending on the quality.

Buwad is best consumed in the morning as a side dish of your breakfast but it can be eaten in lunch and dinner. Simply fry these dried fish and your meal is complete. It is best paired with fresh tomato, piping hot rice, and coffee. Like Buwad? Try now!

Cebu. Best. Eats. Series. Buwad

Sunday, May 19, 2019


The Mabua Pebble Beach of Surigao City

Well clad in Barong Tagalog, it was disheartening to know that the Judge was out of town and that the hearing for my case is postponed. I was new to Surigao City and my boat back to Cebu City will leave past 8 p.m. and guess? it was still 8:30 in the morning. With nothing to do except to wait for my ride home, I’ve decided to talk to some locals and asked the nearest beach they could offer. The recommendation is the Mabua Pebble Beach.

I decided to take a hop on a tricycle and led me to the famous Mabua pebble beach of Surigao City. It was give or take 15 to 20 minutes ride and I arrived in no time. Upon arriving, a poster tells you that there are 380 steps to take to the Tourist Spot. Wait? What? Why would I climb if all I’m after is for the pebble beach?

Well, I decided to take the steps one at a time and after reaching the peak, the commanding majestic coastline of the Pebble beach appeared before me.

Instead of descending back, I decided to continue my short journey as there is a trail leading to somewhere. And, yes! It was a surprise. A shoreline inhabited with a few residents and all was there was me!

There were pebbles all over the place. It was a new experience walking barefoot at the shore. There are huts available for rent with the pleasure to stay overnight.

As I was gazing the beauty of the Pebble beach over a stormy sky, I was invited by nature itself to take a dip on the waters of the beach. After 2 hours, the tricyle driver I hired came back and brought me back to the City where my boat ride awaits for me to Cebu City.

Thrilling. Awesome. Paradise.

Thursday, May 16, 2019



The National Bureau of Investigation is the prime investigating arm of the Department of Justice. In 2016, Republic Act no. 10867 otherwise known as the "National Bureau of Investigation Reorganization and Modernization Act" was promulgated with the purpose of modernizing and reorganization of the NBI.

Section 8 of RA 10867 enumerates the qualification of an NBI Agent, to wit:

a. Citizen of the Philippines;

b. of good moral character;

c. A member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a Baccalaureate Degree who passed the necessary government licensure examination relevant to the investigative functions of the NBI; and

d. Successfully passed the competitive mental and physical examinations required by the NBI.

The NBI Academy is responsible for the recruitment, training, and development of all NBI agents and personnel. (Section 3 (f), RA 10867)


Under the 2017 NBI Academy recruitment program, the additional qualifications of an applicant for an NBI Agent are the following:

1. Must be a citizen of the Philippines, of good moral character and with excellent physical and mental condition;

2. A member of the Philippine Bar, or a holder of a baccalaureate degree who passed the necessary government Licensure Examination relevant to the investigative functions of the NBI;

3. No pending criminal, civil, or administrative charge and never convicted of any crime;

4. Between 25 to 35 years old

5. Between 25 ot 35 years old;

6. At least 5'5" in height for male/ 5'3" for female;h General Weighted Average of 85% in the Transcript of Records (TOR)

7. Vision within normal range;

8. No tattoo marks or pierced ears;

9. Must successfully passed the competitive mental and physical examination required by the NBI; and

10. Willing to be assigned anywhere in the Philippines.

It has been said that NOT ALL are destined for the NBI. The NBI Academy lays a very strict and stringent requirement before an applicant is qualified. Even lawyers and cpas fail in the qualifying examinations and the NBI only admits those who have met the standard of an NBI Agent.

The training is done at the NBI Academy in Baguio City and trainees will be taught with basic investigation and intelligence course. A newly-commissioned NBI Agent with the rank of  Investigation Agent III receives a salary of P65,319.00 (Salary Grade 22). 

For pre-assessment you will be required to bring to the NBI Academy the following documents:

a. Diploma;
b. Transcript of Records;
c. Eligibility (Bar/Board);
d. Birth Certificate;
e. Marriage Certificate (if applicable);
f. Community Tax Certificate;
g. Residential Certificate;
h. Personal Data Sheet (CS Form 212)
i. 2 pcs. 2x2 Pictures
j. NBI and Police Clearances
k. Court Clearances (RTC, MTC, and Prosecutor's Office)
l. ITR/W2, if working;
m. SALN - if government employee

Do you have what it takes? Are you willing to be assigned anywhere? Will crack under pressure?

For interested participants visit or call the NBI Academy located at the NBI Main Office, Taft Ave., Manila or call Tel. No. 526-6207



Art is Art. In its most contemporary sense, art conveys a message. Art are tools to express emotion, feeling, or sentiment. Most of it, seeks to educate the people of something, perhaps, for a greater purpose. Now, in the Philippines, there is an art secretly housed at the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center located at Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City. It is called "THE ELEPHANT SCULPTURE". 

The Elephant Sculpture was made to make a strong message of compassion of the Philippine Government in its fight against illegal ivory trade. Ivory is a source of medicine and, sadly, of art materials. Ivory is known for its healing attributes but most prestigious for its Ivory sculptures. Ivory comes, primarily, from Elephant tusks and the demand for Ivory is now ever increasing with markets mainly direct to CHINA and AFRICA and ASIA as suppliers.

While no Elephant is known to exist in the Philippine Archipelago, its drive to protect the exploitation of elephants and its by-products (i.e, elephant tusks) remains steadfast. It have been alert and have taken great strides to confiscate smuggled ivory with certainty of prosecution and eventually, punishment.

In 2013, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in its renewed call to end Ivory trading and make a clarion call to the public that importation, possession and use of Ivory is illegal commissioned an artist to make an art in what is now known today as THE ELEPHANT SCULPTURE".

The Elephant Sculpture

 Quoted hereunder is the dedication message of Secretary RAMON J.P. PAJE, DENR, to wit:

"This structure is a representation of the natural position of a mother African elephant protecting her calf. The upper Circles representing their faces symbolize the quest fro the continuation of the life of these magnificent creations. The dark color of the structure opposing the natural off-white color of the ivory tusk embodies the Philippines' strong support to the global efforts against elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade. The superimposed tusks, that are almost as high as their bodies, represent the beauty of the creatures with their tusks intact. This structure is made of concrete and part of the ashes from more than four tons of elephant ivory tusks that the Philippines crushed and burned on June 21, 2013.

May this sculpture remind us of the thousands of elephants killed for their precious tusks and that their continued existence still largely depends on how humans treat them.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources"

Close-up view of the Elephant Sculpture

You can visit the Elephant Sculpture located at Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center located at Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City which opens from Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5 pm.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Manila International Container Port

The Bureau of Customs is the primary agency of the Philippine Government in collecting taxes, duties and fees of goods coming in and out of the country. One of its mandates is to prevent the government of being defrauded from vicious smugglers of introducing in the Philippines smuggled or misdeclared items. Hence, the Bureau of Customs conducts SPOT-CHECKING of containers.

Manila International Container Port North Harbor at Night
Now, here are the STEPS where the District Collector conducts SPOT-CHECKING of Containers, viz:




d. CONDUCTION OF SPOT-CHECKING BY BUREAU OF CUSTOM INSPECTOR (Note:  The spot-checking must be made in the presence of the Consignee and/or authorized Representative of the Consignee);



f. RECOMMENDATION FOR RELEASE (Note: The recommendation for release must be duly signed by the Bureau of Custom Inspector and Consignee and/or his authorized representative);

g. MEMORANDUM OF RELEASE (Note: The Memorandum must be duly sealed and signed by the Collector of Customs); and

Lifters are busy taking out containers

The schedule for container examination is from MONDAY to FRIDAY from 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 PM.

For all the transacting public, the requirements needed are the following:


Note: Persons who are without proper authorization will not be entertained.

For more details, check at your respective District Collector.



I bet, other than being a local or a media practitioner, you did not have the chance to visit BORACAY while it was under rehabilitation. Perhaps, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's order of closure comes in a time where the beaches, nay the island, of BOARACAY suffered so much from commercialization. Up to this time (May 2019), rehabilitation is still in full swing given the number of things that needed repair, rehabilitation, and rebuilding.

Noteworthy is the striking determination of the Philippine Government in dealing this colossal issue on closure. Sure, tourism died down and jobs were temporarily lost but these are just momentary. We are about to see the complete rehabilitation in the days to come.

While BORACAY was closed, I have the opportunity to visit BORACAY in its pristine condition, when humans, party-goers and tourists emptied the beaches. Well, there were only locals and children who enjoyed the sanctity and serenity of the scenery over a cloudy back drop.

Here are some of the pictures we've taken:

The map of Boracay Island

Establishments along the coast of Boracay are closed

Stormy clouds threatens the coast line


The Rock Formation remains steads fast and will be a mute witness of Boracay's transformation

As the Sun is about to kiss good morning, locals enjoy gazing over the coast to find shell fish.

Pristine as it is.

What was once a crowded alley has not become a highway

The pictures were taken last July 2018. Improvements have already been introduced and sustainable tourism is now the battle cry. We need educated tourist and not a reckless one, we need mindful business enterprises and not those careless, and we need a decisive Government to heal a once prestigious best island of the world.

Monday, May 13, 2019



Last December 11, 2018, operatives from the National Bureau of Investigation - Environmental Crime Division conducted an entrapment operation in an against vendors of an Eatery in Pasil, Cebu City, Philippines for selling stewed sea turtle locally known as "PAWIKAN". Five were arrested and eventually brought before the City Prosecutor's Office of Cebu City, Philippines for violation of  Section (e) and (f) of Republic Act No. 9147 otherwise known as the "Wildlife Resources Conversation and Protection Act."

Sea Turtle or "Pawikan" is served as local delicacy known as "larang". It is a delicacy trooped by cebuanos from all walks of life because of the belief of its healing as well as aphrodisiac properties. The serving is from 65 to 90 pesos and usually available during lunch. Sadly, most consumers of these meat are government employees who elbow their way just to make an order.

What good sense is their for these individuals, both sellers and consumers, to eat this endangered specie at the expense of having the Sea Turtle "Pawikan" go totally extinct. The demand of this dish ultimately ends up in catching, butchering, and eating Sea Turtles.

During the raid by the NBI, what is disheartening is that they recovered 90 kgs. of Sea Turtle with 20 liters of already stewed sea turtle meat. The more cause of concern is that 6 sea turtles were recovered with one having a tag to "RETURN TO SANDAKAN, MALAYSIA".

When news was heard about the operation, many were in jubilation that the government, especially the NBI-Environmental Crime Division, acted on this illegality. Sadly, many agree that this has been happening for a long long period of time and that the government's action may be too late. Wel, at the least, the NBI Environmental Crime Division made a statement that KILLING, SELLING, CONSUMING OR HAVING IN HIS POSSESSION of an ENDANGERED SPECIE is against the law.

Here are the pictures of the Sea Turtles Butchered.

I hope that similar incident will no longer happen, more so, the poaching of endangered specie. It the wish of this generation that the succeeding children of our children will still enjoy the blessings of our Nature.

The Enchanted River of Hinatuan

The Enchanted River of Hinatuan
Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

I have never been into a magical place until I met the Enchanted River of Hinatuan, Surigao Del Sur. This Paradise which is 2 to 3 hours travel from Tandag City, Surigao Del Sur is as magical as those you find in computer generated places in Hollywood. I cannot be more certain that the Enchanted River enchants those who come to visit her.

The river is engulfed with trees and shrubs. What makes it Enchanted is a tale that only belongs to the locals. But from the eyes of The Philippine Local, I made a list why this Enchanted River is mystifying, to wit:

a. Upon entering the area, a COLD MIST wraps around your body;
b. UNKNOWN DEPTH of the river, as well as the tantalizing shades of blue [Legend has it that a diver once brave to measure the depth of the river and never came back to tell the tale];
c. Schools of BIG fish inhabit river;
d. The presence of PETRIFIED WOOD which take MILLIONS OF YEARS to occur by natural process; and
e. The pure SERENITY of the river.

We take a dip in the COLD WATER of the river and it was very worthwhile for the long travel we made.
TOURISTS are warned that they cannot bring food during the tour in the river, so better let those tummies be full. PLEASE BE ADVICE, if visiting, not to VANDALIZE the ENCHANTED RIVER.

I took a short clip of the ENCHANTED RIVER. Hope you enjoy!